Foods that increase the risk of cancer

Health is the most valuable asset of our lives. Our eating habits and lifestyle have a significant impact on our health. If you eat healthy food, you will always feel healthy and fit. But if your diet is high in trans fats and refined products, then various health problems are inevitable.

3 min readOct 10, 2021
Source: Google

Unhealthy eating habits have a detrimental effect on our health. May cause liver, kidney, and heart-related diseases. It can also increase the risk of cancer. Then find out which foods can increase the risk of cancer in our body.

Dairy products —

Studies have shown that consumption of certain dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, can increase the risk of prostate cancer. According to a 2014 review, consumption of dairy products increases insulin levels. It is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.

Processed meat —

Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are all healthy. But if cooked properly and eaten in moderation. However, if any animal-based products are smoked and preserved by salt, then they are extremely harmful to our health. Playing these can lead to weight gain and cancer.

Processed meat may contain compounds called carcinogens and may increase the risk of colorectal and stomach cancer. Instead of using processed meats like hot dogs, salami, and sausages, it is better to cook the meat at home.

Fried national food —

Excessive consumption of fried foods can increase the number of cancer cells in the body. When foods like potatoes or meat are fried at high temperatures, a compound called acrylamide is formed. Studies have shown that carcinogenic properties are present in this compound. It is even capable of damaging DNA.

In addition, eating fried foods increases the body’s oxidative stress and inflammation, which is associated with the growth of cancer cells.

Refined products —

Refined flour, sugar, oil, etc. can increase the risk of developing cancer cells in the body. Studies have shown that processed sugars and carbohydrates also increase the risk of oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. This increases the risk of various types of cancer. People who have more refined products in their diet have a higher risk of developing ovarian, endometrial, or breast cancer.

So try to keep refined products on the diet as low as possible. For example — use molasses or honey instead of sugar, use whole grains instead of refined grains and use mustard oil and clarified butter instead of refined oils.

Alcohol and carbonated beverages —

Alcohol and carbonated beverages are high in calories and high in refined sugars. If these drinks are taken in excess, the level of free radicals in the body increases, which can lead to inflammation. Moreover, excessive consumption of alcohol can weaken the body’s immune system. This makes it difficult to identify cancer cells.

Canned and packaged food

The demand for canned and packaged food is constantly increasing. The market is full of different types of packaged foods like noodles, pasta, fried foods, polao. But did you know that they also increase the risk of cancer? This type of food contains a chemical called Bisphenol A (BPA). When this compound is dissolved in food, it can lead to hormonal imbalances, changes in DNA, and cancer.




Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or weakness.